Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2011

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  • bommai
    Nov 27, 01:56 PM
    I don't think 17" is going to happen. I would rather Apple drop the price on the 20" drastically. $699 is way too much. Dell has two 20" widescreen monitors. One for the office crowd. It has a USB hub built-in, can rotate, has DVI, VGA and S-video inputs. It has identical specs to the Apple monitor. This monitor is about $350. You can get it for lower sometimes. I have one of these (an older model actually - and it cost $500 18 months ago).

    Dell also has a new 20" widescreen that does not have USB hub, no rotation capability. However, it has a HDMI port with HDCP (High definition content protection). This is a requirement for HD-DVD and Bluray playback. This monitor is only $250. It has the same 1650x1050 resolution like the Apple 23". You can get the Dell 24" 1920x1200 LCD for $600. Paying $999 for Apple 23" is nuts!

    I love my PowerMac G4, but Apple's display prices need to come down.

    Also, my powermac is 3.5 years old and I would really like to buy a new MacProsumer. Something that is half the size of MacPro. Has one dual core Conroe, space for 2 HDs, space for one optical drive, 2 PCI express slots, firewire 800, 400, USB 2.0, 802.11g/n, bluetooth, optical audio in/out, DVI/HDMI with HDCP. I want all this to cost $1500 or less.

    This would give me the flexibility to buy my own monitor and stay in the iMac arena. iMacs would still sell well for people that want all-in-one. Apple can sell this Conroe towers for business as well as people that want to upgrade. This machine is more of a successor to the PowerMac G4 compared to the MacPro. MacPro is overkill for most people for home use.

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  • noservice2001
    Oct 23, 07:15 AM
    o please red!!!

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  • topicolo
    Mar 28, 10:01 PM
    They could do alot more.......That's all I'm going to say cause Im going to work...

    Please sign the petition

    P.S The point i'm trying to make is that Apple will always be a small company who thinks they affect the PC industry. The same thing happens every time, Apple makes something cool - The PC world makes the profit

    My advice to you is to let this petition die. It's obvious that the most of the people don't agree with your ideas on the petition. How do you expect to convince apple if you have to convince people to sign your petition? You're interest in the well-being of apple is commendable, but this petition isn't going to work.

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  • lordonuthin
    Feb 10, 04:43 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 8 million points!


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  • ender land
    Apr 10, 09:57 AM
    The only stick-shift I ever drove cost about a quarter million.

    Guess I should learn sometime as I would like to get a manual transmission at some point.

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  • paulyras
    Jan 11, 10:36 PM
    I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but after looking at
    I can't help but think that Apple could come up with a user-friendly way of implementing this sort of technology. I personally think its only a matter of time before ALL chords are "cut". You set your iPod on your desk, it charges through inductive currents, your headphones do the same and communicate with your iPod through bluetooth (or some other wireless medium)...etc. And your computer, also, has no wires. Electricity is passed to it in the same sort of way. Now, wouldn't that be cool :)

    "There's something in the air"

    Maybe its just wishful thinking ;)

    [Note: After being a long time READER of Mac Rumors, I have officially made my first post.]

    Dude, my toothbrush does that. Seriously. It's the sonicare advanced. It's nice. I wholeheartedly endorse that except for one problem...

    Electromagnetic fields decrease with the cube of the distance (I think- might be square, but someone smarter than I can correct me). You would need to keep the charger within a few inches while charging. Frankly, if I'm going to carry a charger with me when I travel, I really don't care if it's plugged in directly or just has to be really close.

    If, by chance the field is strong enough to work from any significant distance, you couldn't convince me to keep it anywhere near my lap. There are some irreplacable goods down there (and I aint talking about a laptop).

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  • Lunja
    Jan 7, 06:16 PM
    Dear Mr Jobs,

    All I want for MWSF is a new keyboard, because it's time we had some media buttons. And a paint app so that I don't have to buy Photoshop if I want to doodle something.



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  • milo
    Sep 6, 07:38 AM
    yeah hopefully by at least the 26th or the 12th. but by speculating that it's going to happen the following week hasn't worked for anyone yet

    Anyone speculating it would happen before about now was on crack. Go to a site like Apple Insider, they don't make the "every week" predictions like Thinksecret does. A shipment of minis came in the fifth, my guess would be that they won't announce them at the event (but maybe I'm wrong), but will just do a press release a few days after.

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  • blybug
    Jan 12, 06:30 PM
    Thing is it would have to be cheap enough for a hospital to give out to all the doctors and such (I think we're using Epic now or something).
    Well, not to be completely selfish, but I'm just talking about getting one for me. All the other doctors are on their own :rolleyes:

    But yeah...a trimmed down OSX could still run a Citrix client, which is how I access EPIC directly from my Mac currently. Would be even smoother than VNC or Back to my Mac. However I anticipate that if there is a slim tablet style device that some kinda way it has to have some sort of screen sharing built in, that way even though it is thin (physically AND specification-wise), you can still do big things with it via your remote machine. I mean Leopard's Back to my Mac feature is just screaming to be officially on an iPhone and/or somewhat larger-screened device.

    Maybe that's really what's "in the air"....your home/office computer (PC or Mac) and everything on it is now beamed to your tablet wirelessly. The AirBook is really little more than a WiFi screen.

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  • SciFrog
    Nov 8, 08:51 PM
    Well it is not supported, same as running GPU on Linux... Only difference is that they are so many doing so that they figured it out...

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 07:10 PM
    Miata's are actually very good driving cars.

    Yes, and excellent value for your dollar.

    If I could afford a second car, just for sport, I would try to wedge myself into one.

    But I really want an S-2000. :(

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  • brianus
    Sep 1, 02:59 PM
    This basically confirms that Apple will release the "Mac".

    Uh, no, it doesn't. If anything it does the exact opposite. Focus on the fact that they're upping the display size to just-below-pro territory and not that they're keeping a laptop processor and you'll see.

    Apple has intentionally left this gap in its line.

    ...yes, for many, many years now. It has intentionally not filled the gap. All signs point to it continuing to intentionally not fill the gap.

    It all seems pretty obvious.

    ...that it's what you want, not what Apple will do.

    Apple used to have all-in-ones, consumer towers, pro towers, etc. Remember the PowerMac 6400? Too many products is too confusing for the consumer. If that means that a couple of people can't get the exact configuration they want, so be it.

    Exactly. It's not like they can go get a more configurable Mac from another company, either. Plus, remember that Apple had all those overlapping products in the bad old days before you-know-who, Mr. consumer/pro/desktop/notebook grid came back on board.

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Oct 20, 03:33 PM
    Consumer Reports has always been corrupt and in it to tear down companies.

    What a crock of nonsense. :rolleyes:

    Apparently, your idea of "corrupt" is to tell the truth about products instead of letting unsafe, Chinese garbage get pushed on the world with millions in advertising, but not a useful word in the bunch. Do you think Apple is going to advertise their antenna problem or Suzuki is going to brag that their vehicle is more likely to roll over than most other vehicles on the road? Heck no. Most magazines take money directly from the manufacturers that advertise in their magazines and thus have a total conflict of interests. Here's a magazine that doesn't take a dime from advertisers and thus has no reason to pick on anyone or lie about anything. But YOU call that "corruption." That's like Republicans saying they will create jobs (and leave out the "in China" part).

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  • DrWeevil
    Apr 12, 09:06 PM
    Any chance the data center is going to play a role in the video capabilities of today's to-be-announced updates?

    There's gotta be some use for all that real estate they've paid for!

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  • wizard
    Jun 22, 03:53 PM
    Exactly. When did the keyboard and mouse become public enemy number 1? These technologies have been perfected over years and years of real use.

    If Apple introduces a touch iMac it's clearly a money grab, to sucker the public into thinking touch is somehow superior when in fact it is vastly inferior on a desktop monitor.
    Not in every case but certainly in most cases a Touch screen on the desktop, supporting most productivity apps, is a TERRIBLE idea. I work in a plant full of touch screens supporting various systems and frankly they all suck for general run of the mill interaction or data entry. There is nothing about Apples GUI that can improve this as it is more of a physical ergonomic issue.

    However that doesn't mean that touch screen are never useful on the desktop. On the contrary there are apps that can effectively leverage a touch screen. The problem is these are not the apps that most people will be making use of.

    In the end I believe you are right about people getting suckered into something they might not ever use. Further I'm more surprised that this rumor is desktop related as a touch screen might actually get used more on a laptop. In the end I just hope this is a bogus rumor.

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  • Dmac77
    Apr 11, 04:32 PM
    What if it's not actually an automatic?

    Seriously though, I do wonder if people take little things like this (being able to drive a stickshift) and pump up the importance of it, just to get some extremely minor satisfaction out of being "better" than other people.

    Also, google "money shift" for the downside of having "full control."

    I don't think people are pumping it up at all. I personally think that people who can't drive a standard transmission, are just lazy (and that goes for my mother, and her habit of doing her makeup while driving). People only get autos, because they don't want to have to "inconvenience" themselves with pushing down on the clutch and throwing the car into the next gear; because doing so requires them to stop shoving food down their face, or to get of the damn phone. I also hate to hear people moan about how inconvenient a standard transmission is during stop and go traffic; I mean it's not that bad, and I recently took my standard transmission accord to chicago and drove in stop and go traffic for over two hours, and it was not as annoying as some would make it out to be. People are just too willing to sacrifice the fun of driving for convenience.


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  • weespeed
    Apr 26, 08:16 PM
    This may get sticky if MS loses the 'App Store" trademark dispute.

    The patent here:

    According to the patent just granted to MS that was applied for in Microsoft came up with the idea of apps that let you buy things.

    This is crazy.

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  • CIA
    Apr 13, 01:11 AM
    +1 here. Every time I've tried to use iMovie for a "quick" edit it always ends in disasters like this. In my case, I was trying to move some music around and time my edits with the music. It was really infuriating trying to do this in iMovie compared to how fast I could have done it in FCP. I guess we'll have wait till Apple posts more info or we get it in our hands to really tell if it can be run like the current FCP.

    I second this.

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  • Greydog
    Mar 25, 04:24 PM
    Would seem a good next step is to empower the ATV with this kind of processing power, while allowing the use of iphones/touches/ipads as controllers. Imaging HUDs and virtual controllers - or Garageband Hero?

    Maybe you wouldn't have full length epic saga games (or maybe you would via streaming), but for $99 + $5-$10 a game, you have a serious competitor to traditional consoles.

    May 2, 04:25 PM
    They could have simplified the whole process in the following way:

    Al Coholic
    Apr 21, 11:56 AM
    As soon as I saw the name Al Franken I stopped reading. What a dufus.


    Jan 1, 05:15 PM
    The only two I'm betting on are iLife '07 and iTV, because those seem most feasible at this point.

    A new Mac Pro and another more in depth Leopard preview would be nice, but I don't think that's in the Pipeline (kudos to those who get the joke).

    Aug 7, 05:00 AM
    You have a point, but it's already 7:40 pm on Monday here so your work day would already be done. Plus I'm in Australia so how much can I really complain?

    On a side note:
    Maybe some Aussies can help me understand the price difference of computers here. Back home I bought the 17" MacBook Pro for something like $3,300 AUD and I come over here and it's in the $4,500 AUD range. I did get the student discount back home, but that's a huge margin.

    Hmmm, location still didn't change.

    US Store, 17" MBP (no taxes): AUD$3655
    AU Store, 17" MBP (no GST): AUD$3999
    CAN Store, 17" MBP (no taxes): AUD$3591

    You have to add sales tax to the US and Canadian prices as they are not only aren't displayed in the price but the taxes differ from state to state/province to province. Aussie GST is quoted in the price and is that same across the country so a 17" MBP costs exactly the same in every state.

    The difference is about $400 which is pretty big but we're not a big market, thus selling to us costs more as the size of the market can't make up for the increased cost of getting the products to us.

    We also make more money, I remember a while ago doing a comparison between a waiter on Aussie award wages and US minimum wage in the purchase of an iBook. The US waiter would have to work ~2x as many hours as the aussie waiter to afford an iBook at our respective online Apple Stores.

    Feb 8, 07:43 PM
    ..........its my favorite color!

    Gorgeous, love the color :)

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